2024 Invited Speakers / 邀请报告

Yang Chen
Southwest Jiaotong University

Speech Title: Key Technologies of Anti-misalignment in Inductive Power Transfer Systems

Yang Chen (IEEE Senior Member) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and automation and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, in 2015 and 2020, respectively. From 2018 to 2019, he was a Visiting Scholar founded by the China Scholarship Council with the Future Energy Electronics Center, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA. From 2020 to 2023, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China, where he is currently an Associate Researcher. His research focuses on wireless power transfer. Dr. Chen serves as the Associate Editor for e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy, and served as the Guest Editor for Electronics. He has continually been involved in the World’s Top 2% Scientists list since 2022. Dr. Chen was the recipient of the First Prize of the Technical Invention Award of the Ministry of Education, the Nomination for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation of the China Electrotechnical Society, Outstanding Reviewer Award for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics.

Tao Chen
Southeast University

Speech Title: Learning-assisted Management and Pricing Methods for Demand Side Resources and Energy Critical Infrastructure

Tao Chen is currently an Associate Professor in School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, China. His research interests are about power energy system and Artificial Intelligence applications. He worked as Postdoctoral Associate in Advanced Research Institute, Virginia Tech, Washington D.C., USA, 2018-2019 and Engineer in GEIRINA, California, USA, 2017-2018. He received MSc and PhD form Tampere University of Technology, Finland, and University of Michigan, USA, respectively. He received the Best Paper Award for IEEE ISGT-Asia 2019, IEEE iSPEC 2021, IEEE CIEEC 2022. He was a guest editor for IET Renewable Power Generation, Engineering Reports, Frontiers in Energy Research and many other journals. He has (co)authored more than 100 publications and PI for 20+ R&D projects.

2023 Invited Speakers / 邀请报告

Prof. Song Han
Guizhou University

Speech Title: A Hybrid Transfer Learning Method for Transient Stability Prediction Considering Sample Imbalance

SONG HAN (Member, IEEE) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering (power systems) from the Guizhou University of Technology, Guiyang, China, in 2000 and 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering (power systems) from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2011. From 2014 to 2015, he held a postdoctoral position with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta. From 2017 to 2018, he worked as a Western Light Visiting Scholar with ZJU. Since 2012, he has been a professor. He is currently the Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering, Guizhou University. His main research interests include ac/dc power system dynamics, FACTS, and big data analytics and its applications in power systems.

Assoc. Prof. Jianning Yin
Xi’an University of Technology, China

Speech Title: Advanced Breaking Technology of DC Circuit Breaker For Renewable Energy Systemse

Jianning Yin (Member, IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 2019 from Xi’an Jiaotong University. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an University of Technology. His research interests include optimization design and intelligence of high and low voltage circuit breakers, advanced interruption technology for DC circuit breakers, MHD simulation of switching arc, switching arc plasma and its application.

Dr. Zhang Shiling
State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company, China

Speech Title: Research And Practice of The Large-Scale Parallel Computing And Artificial Intelligence Algorithm In Typical Equipment of New Power System

As the first author, Zhang Shiling has published more than 90 SCI/EI search papers in the domestic and foreign journals and international academic conferences, 19 Chinese Core Journals of Peking University, won 9 provincial and ministerial awards such as the first prize of Chongqing scientific and technological progress and the special first prize of China Water Conservancy and power quality management Association, authorized 1 international invention patent, 20 national invention patents and utility models, 18 software copyrights, and more than 20 reports of international and domestic conferences, As the project leader, he presided over 2 provincial and ministerial projects at the basic frontier and 3 science and technology projects at the headquarters of State Grid Corporation of China.

Prof. Yunfeng Yan
Zhejiang University, China

Speech Title: Key Technologies and Applications of Power Knowledge Graph

Yunfeng Yan received the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University in 2019. She is currently an Associate Research Fellow with Zhejiang University. Her research interests include computer vision and power safety. Prof. Yan has led 7 projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Zhejiang Provincial "Elite" Program. Prof. Yan has published more than 40 SCI/EI indexed papers, co-authored 1 course book, and obtained 18 invention patents. Prof. Yan's research achievements have won two honors, including the First Prize in Science and Technology in Zhejiang Province.

2022 Invited Speakers / 邀请报告

Prof. Danny Sutanto
University of Wollongong, Australia

Speech Title: Future Power Distribution Grid

Danny Sutanto is the Professor of Power Engineering at the School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering at the University of Wollongong. His main areas of research are power system analysis, power system economics, voltage stability, harmonics, power electronics and computer aided education. He has published numerous papers in the areas of power system analysis, voltage instability, design of harmonic filters, FACTS, Battery Energy Storage Systems, computer aided teaching systems, power system expansion planning, electrical machines and power electronics, in total over 500 papers in Journals and Refereed Conference Proceedings.

Assoc. Prof. Xiangjing Su
Shanghai University of Electric Power, China

苏向敬, 上海电力大学 副教授

Speech Title: Offshore Wind Power Forecasting Based on Interpretable Deep Learning

Xiangjing Su received his PhD in Electrical Engineering from Curtin University in 2015, under the China Scholarship Council (CSC) program. He joined the Shanghai University of Electric Power (SUEP) as an Associate Professor (‘Guangming Scholar’) in 2016, and then was selected into the Shanghai ‘Pujiang Talent Program’ in 2017. Between 2018 and 2020, Dr. Su worked with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, University of New South Wales as a Visiting Fellow under the supervision of IEEE Fellow, Prof. Joe Dong, supported by the SUEP ‘Academic Star’ program. His main research interests include optimal planning and operation of power distribution networks, AI and big data applications in offshore wind power farms. By far, Dr. Su has published more than 50 research papers, including 15 IEEE Trans. and IET journals. He was the Technical Program Chair for the 2019 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems and the Subject Track Chair for the International Conference on Smart Grids and Energy Systems 2020. He is currently an IEEE Senior Member, the General Secretary of IEEE PES Shanghai Chapter, Guest Editor for IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, and regular reviewer for many IEEE Transactions and conferences. In the past five years, he has secured around 4 million RMB research funding from government and industry.

Assoc. Prof. Hui Hou
Wuhan University of Technology, China

侯慧, 武汉理工大学

Speech Title: Power Transmission Equipment Damage and User Outage Prediction Technology under Typhoon Disaster

Hui Hou (S’03- M’09-SM‘21) is currently an assciate professor and doctoral supervisor at School of Automation,Wuhan University of Technology, China. She is an IEEE senior member and IEEE PES WiP(Women in Power) China activity group leader. She received the B. S. degree from Wuhan University, China, in 2003, and Ph. D degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), in 2009. She was a postdoc fellow in HUST from 2009 to 2012, and then a visiting scholar in the University of Sydney from 2015 to 2016 under the supervision of IEEE Fellow, Prof. Joe Dong. She has been working in School of Automation,Wuhan University of Technology, China since 2012. Her research interests include power system risk assessment, climate disaster prevention, energy internet, etc. She has hosted a number of funding supporting her research including National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Key Research and Development program,etc. She has published more than 50 papers in journals including IEEE Transactions and important international conferences at home and abroad on risk assessment of power system especially concentrating on typhoon disasters. In recent years, she has won the first prize of 2019 China Electric Power Science and Technology Innovation Award, the second prize of 2019 China Southern Power Grid Corporation Science and Technology Progress Award, 2021 second prize of Electric Power Construction Science and Technology Progress Award, 2021 second prize of Guangdong Province Science and Technology Progress Award, 2021 second prize of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Company Science and Technology Progress Award, etc.

Assoc. Prof. Jiefeng Hu
Federation University Australia, Australia

Jiefeng Hu, 澳大利亚联邦大学

Speech Title: Power Converter Control in Microgrids: Challenges, Advances and Future Trends

Dr. Jiefeng Hu received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from University of Technology Sydney, Australia. He participated in the research of minigrids in Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Newcastle, Australia. He was an Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. Currently he is an Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy at Federation University Australia. He is also the stream leader of Centre for New Energy Transition Research (CfNETR) at Federation University Australia. His research interests include power electronics, renewable energy, and smart microgrids. He is an IEEE Senior Member and an IET Fellow. Dr. Hu serves as an associate editor/lead guest editor for prestigious journals including IET Renewable Power Generation, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, and IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. He is a general co-chair of 14th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference 2022 (APPEEC) in Melbourne.

Assoc. Prof. Liansong Xiong
Xi'an Jiaotong University, China


Speech Title: Advanced open-loop phasor detection technologies for enabling high-performance grid-tied VSC control

Dr. Liansong Xiong received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, in 2009, 2012, and 2016, respectively. Now, he is with the School of Electrical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University. His current research interests include power quality, DC grid, renewable energy generation, and power system stability. He has obtained 12 research grants as principal investigator. He has authored 22 articles indexed by SCI and 35 indexed by EI. His publications have been cited over 800 times, and he has an H-index of 14. Dr. Xiong is a recipient of the ICPES Young Scientist Award, the First Prize of Scientific and Technological Progress Award of CPSS, the Second Prize of Shaanxi Natural Science Excellent Paper Award, and the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Shaanxi Province. He received the Excellent Paper Award 8 times in national/international academic conferences. In 2021, he was elevated to the IEEE Senior Member. He is also a CES Senior Member, a Member of the CPSS Youth Working Committee, and Executive Member of the Editorial Board of Electric Engineering.

Assoc. Prof. Sohrab Mirsaeidi
Beijing Jiaotong University, China

Sohrab Mirsaeidi,北京交通大学

Speech Title: Challenge of Commutation Failure in Current Source Converters

Dr. Sohrab Mirsaeidi received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia in 2016. Subsequently, he furthered his studies as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China from 2016 to 2019. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), China. Sohrab Mirsaeidi has published 70+ papers and 2 books in the field of Microgrids and Large-Scale Power Systems. He is a Member of the National Technical Committee of Measuring Relays and Protection Equipment Standardization of China, and has presided over and participated in several national research projects in China. He is an Editorial Board Member for several international journals and a Regular Reviewer for IEEE Transactions journals. He has also served as Chair, Keynote/Invited Speaker, and Committee Member in 70+ international conferences. His main research interests include Control and Protection of Large-Scale Hybrid AC/DC Grids and Microgrids, Application of Power Electronics in Power Systems, and Deployment of Artificial Intelligence in Power System Analysis. He is a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Member of IET, CIGRE, and Chinese Society for Electrical Engineering (CSEE).

Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

Speech Title: A Study of the Impact of the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading under the Context of Thailand

Serving as an academician for over 25 years, Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul has dedicated his efforts to developing qualified and committed power and energy professionals in the region. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst Charterholder and Certified Energy Risk Professional. He is serving as a Board of Directors of PEA and PEA Encom International Co. Ltd., and as the RTG Faculty Representative at AIT. He has also been serving as the Secretary General for GMSARN since 2006. He is an IEEE Senior Member, and for his contributions to IEEE PES Thailand Chapter he was presented with Outstanding Engineer Award in 2019. He has authored 2 books and 10 book chapters alongside 95 international refereed journals and more than 150 international conference proceedings. His areas of interest include Intelligent System Applications to Energy Systems, Power System Operation & Control, Power System Restructuring and Deregulation, Smart Grid, and Energy & Financial Risk Management.